I got my driver's license when I was 21. I drove very little, with my father sitting next to me. Since he took the car to work, and I wasn't really the jet-setting type, I didn't find any need for the car, and managed with autos and buses.
Then I went to study at Trichy, and then to work in Mumbai, where I didn't need to drive. After I got back to Bangalore, I was out of touch with driving, and anyway I took the office cab to work.
Even after I got married, I didn't ever feel the need to know driving. It is only now, when I have had to drop and pick up Puttachi from school, did I desperately feel the urge to drive, especially after dealing with faulty meters and rude drivers of autorickshaws. So I took a few driving lessons, and then drove around with S sitting next to me. After that, my father-in-law instructed me in the finer points of driving, and taught me driving in reverse and parking with great patience - and my confidence soared.
So today, I flew solo for the first time - I dropped and picked-up Puttachi from school myself - and I feel terrific.
That's awesome. I exactly know how you are feeling. It might sound trivial to someone, but for us, it is a great achievement. Go treat yourself to something nice.
in bangalore, thats a real achievement! congratulations!
Great Shru !!!
Thats great...
Great! A life-changer I think, to be able to get around independently.
Wow that's great :) Same story for me too.. Me too learned driving when I was 17 n got a licence when I was 18 yrs 1 day old. Used to drive back home if a driver is there but then lost touch. Now that I got the car here trying my luck in b'lore roads. But driving by self is still a mirage for me except if it is some early morning :(
Wow Shruth! That's great!
Enjoy!! :)
I know exactly how you feel!! Congratulations...
Yay! Congrats :)
BloreKnitter, exactly - I almost didn't put up this post, thinking how silly it might sound - after all, there are a million drivers out there - but for me, it is a big thing. Party-time!
hAAthi, Shrinidhi, Roopa, RajK, Starry, thank you :D
nagrajrao, heh heh!
Arundhati, absolutely. Opens up a whole new world.
Dhanya, just plunge into it - you are so close!
Thats gr8..way to go!!!
Well done!
gr8 shruthi u act when it needs thats superb.Bangaloe traffic, drivers are very erratic so drive with caution overtaking by left right centre is order of the day, beware of motorcyclists (teenagers in particular) BTS and AUtos. Hope u dont get into roads where trucks ply
have fun and Njoy. what is puttachis reaction so we can get some good lessons/posts on this
A big HURRAY for you... I can understand the thrill completely :)
I have been in the same boat as you till now... having learnt driving and holding a DL but been out of touch totally ever since... now with a little one on the way, maybe I too will get back to driving just like you did! :)
way to go!
This story kinda reminded me of my mom. She learned how to ride a scooter (Bajaj, no less) to drop me and pick me up from school. I remember sitting behind her, holding onto my dear life when she first started picking me up from school.
Now she rides my old scooty as she no longer can balance the weight of scooter.
Maybe I'll tell it was not on. In Russia the there is a saying: The old horse did not spoil the furrow :)
Good for you---and welcome to the world of pick-and-drop! As she grows, you'll find yourself taking her everywhere---activities, tuitions, coaching classes, malls, friends' places---
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