Saturday, February 07, 2009


.... And just like that, what little anonymity I had left on this blog, goes up in smoke as soon as you click on this. [Page 7 in today's Sunday Herald (Sunday Supplement of Deccan Herald]].

Thank you all for your wishes on my previous post. And the story is not yet available - it will be published, I think, three weeks from today.


Nithin said...

This reminds me of the day when Fake steve jobs was cracked....

Well now we know where puttachi gets her good looks from

Anonymous said...

Congrats Shru :)

Anonymous said...

Same Old Anon: Congrats!

pumpkins mom said...

Congratulations Shruthi! Waiting to read your story...

Keshav.Kulkarni said...

anonimity or now Mrs Rao,
it does not make any difference to the readers who do not know you personally. We still enjoy Puttaachi! My son is almost of same age, and I read all his activities through your blog posts.

Waiting to read the story.

-keshav (

Anonymous said...

ha now that I know you I'm going to come and get you... to congradulate you :)) I think you should make a seperate site for Puttachi something like this one which I finally managed to do after all these days!

phatichar said...

First time here..yeah, blame Deccan for it! ;-)

Read all your previous posts, and going by the way you write, am sure the prize is very well deserved.

Congratulations! :-)

Sharath said...

a part of enigma is solved!, you can now proudly put a pic here :)

and congratulations!!

Sachin said...

Once again, congratulations!! :-)

Srikanth said...

beladingala baale finally sighted !

Congrats Shruthi on the award.

Shruthi said...

Congratulations Shruthi!! waiting to read your story.. "Horror story with a twist" sounds very intriguing :) .. keep writing.

Slogan Murugan said...

LOL. True. And congrats again!

Mama - Mia said...


so i guessed right! as in afta you tol me we had met at common friend's place i remembered all faces and zeroed in on this one as you! :D

if we meet, i promise i will take your autograph! :D



Shammi said...

You look beautiful! :)

Anonymous said...

congrats shruthi

Glad to see you.... Waiting to see puttachi [:)]

Anonymous said...

I agree with Keshav... picture or otherwise, we still enjoy your blogs...


rajk said...

Hi Shruthi,
As far as I'm concerned, the "puff" happened a few days back as I was browsing through PeeVee's wedding album!!
Congrats on the prize!! Will surely read the story soon!

~nm said...

You look so beautiful.

And congrats once again.

Unknown said...

hey shruthi.. congratulations.. wow.. your family must be so happy and proud!

phatichar said...

you never reply to your comments, do you? :)

rajk said...

This is for "Phatichar":
Shruthi is one blogger who religiously replies/responds to ALL comments. She also explained why she cannot let a comment go unacknowledged in one of her posts. That right now she's not doing it only means that she is really really occupied with something more urgent than this!
Never mind Shruthi, take your time...for we know you care...

Anonymous said...

Hey Shruthi... Congrats ! Waiting to read the story now. And yes you look stunning :)

Shruthi said...

Nithin, how do you know, perhaps she gets it from her dad :D

Rad, Anon, Pumpkin's mom, Sachin, Bit hawk, thank you!

Keshav, glad to hear that :D

Sanjay, that's a nice site.

Phatichar, glad you took the time to visit my blog and gladder that you liked it :) And yes, I do try and reply to comments.

Sharath: I am hoping that the pic disappears somewhere ;)

Srikanth, errr.. I think Beladingala baale dies at the end, right? :D

Shruthi: Actually, it is not that much of a horror story either, LOL!

Sloganmurugan, heh :D Thanks!

Abha, I don't believe it - you actually remembered the faces of everybody who were there that day? :O
And don't embarrass me :D

Shyam, blush!

Sunayana, aha? :D

Dileep, thanks :)

Rajk, not fair. Peevee gets to meet you and I don't. And thank you so much for the vote of confidence. It made my day!

~nm: Thank you!

Aparna, yes they are - they were the ones who forced me into entering my story!

Rashmi, thank you! I am waiting for it to be published ;)

JP said...

And congratulations from me too!

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