Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A few trees of Uttarakhand

My love for trees is common knowledge to regular readers of this blog.  Every spring sees me go nuts, and this time, I had an added advantage. I could swoon over the trees of Uttarakhand too!
Locally known as "Kusum" - these are leaves, not flowers. 
In Rajaji National Park

New leaves - Rajaji NP

Travelling in an open jeep is great for tree-watching!
Here's a langur leaping among the bare branches of a tree.

Rudraksha tree - the fruits

And when the fruit is broken open
- you see the famous Rudraksha seed.

These looked like Bharatnatyam dancers to me. - Rajaji NP
I lost my heart to Deodar forests.
 - Landour, Mussoorie.

Aren't Deodars gorgeous?

Speaking of bare trees - how beautiful is this!
These young spring leaves of the Indian horse chestnut
are among the most beautiful leaves I've seen. 
They were everywhere in the Landour forests.

These horse chestnut leaves
caught the sunlight so beautifully!
 This is shortly before sunset, Landour.

Horse chestnut leaves again -
framing the sunset that signalled the end of our vacation
- Landour.

Also see:  Birds of Uttarakhand
                 Flowers of Uttarakhand


Madhu said...

Beautiful pictures of the trees Shruthi! I especially love the one with snow covered peaks in the background and The sunset.

nowise novice said...

The snow covered mountains can make anything look beautiful!...even bare trees.... Rudrakshi fruit...ooooooh!Lovely pictures Shru

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