Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cookie Recipe

S and I had to go somewhere where it wouldn't have been wise to take Puttachi along, so we left her at my friend M's place, so that she could play with M's son  Sk, who is her oldest friend.

M happened to be baking cookies, and when we left, Puttachi was already signing up to help M.  She came back home with a box of yummy cookies that she had shaped, and she also told us how to bake cookies.

Then she took a piece of paper and wrote the recipe down.

Read it top to bottom.  If you don't know Kannada, just give up.  If you do, give it a try before reading further. :)

She's written "Hitt togondu, vuttabeku.  Amele volage benne hakbeku, pan togondu benne hachbeku."

Meaning "Take the flour and press it, and put butter into it.  Then take the pan and smear butter on it."

If she completes it, I will give you the rest of the recipe :)


Radhika said...

Puttachi is into the habit of noting down what she wants to, what she sees etc. That's nice!

PeeVee said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :D I don't think it can get more hilarious than this, but then it's Puttachi, you never know!

CC said...

Kisses to little ms.adorable!

charu said...

Puttachi is delightful! Your style of writing brings her antics to life! Read "Pippi Longstocking" to her when she is a bit older. She will be inspired!

Gurgaonflowerplaza said...

Words to be read and digested

Anonymous said...

Hi Shruthi,

I'm amazed by Puttachi's ability to write words at her age. My son is 4.5 and he is still understanding the phonics concept. I want to know how she picked it up. Please share with moms like me.


bellur rk said...

she's awesome! i will be the first to blogroll 'PUTTACHI's RASAGAVALA'!

squeeze her cheeks!

can you plz ask her if she remembers the guy with the TAPE, or just the TAPE?

thanks for this post!

austere said...

fantastic! you have a master chef in the making. :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing.. really useful..

Wanderer said...

Aww at the little chef's recipe. I could read and understand what she has written and glad that she's so articulate at such young age. Go girl.

Shruthi said...

Charu, I must read it too - have always thought I must. Will do it. Thanks.

Vidya, I will write about it shortly.

Bellur, she does, actually :)

Thanks, Mira, Radhika and Wanderer, CC.

Peevee, ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Very Cute. and she must be now loving to learn how to write kannada as well.

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